Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The First Mother Daughter Womb Transplant is About to Make History

Sara and Eva Ottosson  might be in the history books soon.

Next year they are set to undergo the first mother to daughter womb transplant, and surgeons are hoping that this time, it will be a success.

Sara was born without reproductive organs, but longs to become pregnant. Hopefully, with the help of her mother, and of course amazingly talented organ transplant surgeons, her dream can become a reality.

Womb transplant attempts have been made before, but they haven't worked due to the fact that the donor and recipient weren't related.

For an organ transplant to truly be successful, a close genetic match is necessary, and you can't really get any closer than mother and daughter.

If all goes well with next year's surgery, Sara will be permitted to undergo IVF treatments to attempt to conceive a baby of her own.

To find out more about this incredible organ transplant and infertility breakthrough read the article, Womb Transplant: The Ultimate Gift of Life and Love

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